
aims at breaking the silence that has shielded the evil called 'sexual abuse', with the goal of giving liberty, confidence and faith to as many that have been victims, and Christ Jesus is my foundation

Monday 27 May 2013

Its Children's day...i really would want to remember my fun days as a child; the nursery ryhmes we sang, the games we played (some with the cork of soft drinks, some with bicycle wheels and sticks..), the meals we cooked with weeds and sand in empty tins, the plays we acted...where we had to act mummy and daddy roles, the debates we had...in which we had to 'convince and not confuse' people...(laughing); very lovely and stress free moments. 
But in trying to enjoy these memories, i was hit hard by a story of another abused kid early hours of this morning. She had to run away from home yesterday because her father who has been sexually abusing her for the past 3 years wanted abusing her yesterday again... I can't hold back my pain. 
For 3 years now, can you imagine her pain?She can't have fun like other kids...her father has stolen her 'joys of childhood'. 'is it a crime to be a child?'.., 'is it a crime that as a child,i don't have strength or words to fight for myself?'..,'is it a child's fault that he/she was born in the family he/she was born into?'.., as i picture my days of childhood, i can't help but run down tears for this child who can't have a worry-free and problem-free beginning.
I remember my prayers as a child; i always thanked God for my parents and my siblings, and i prayed that he should provide for my parents so that i could enjoy it...(what sweet and 'wahala-free' prayer..), but can you imagine the prayer of this child?...'she wonders if abuse was the reason God made her'...'she regrets coming out from her mum's belly...she wished she died at birth'... For her,babies who left the world before they ever saw it, are the most fortunate...Please,can you pray for children like her today?
 Please,while you play with children today to help them feel good, don't forget to give a hand or ears to one who needs it (there's is definately one beside you).

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