
aims at breaking the silence that has shielded the evil called 'sexual abuse', with the goal of giving liberty, confidence and faith to as many that have been victims, and Christ Jesus is my foundation

Thursday 20 June 2013

Cos I Trusted

One of the beautiful things that add colour to life is relationship; our relationships with family, friends, colleagues, generally, the people we come across. Our relationships become even more worthwhile when we commit ourselves and trust ourselves; what an excitement it is when we love. 
But unfortunately, within the walls of relationships, our trust and commitments are been abused.

The thoughts of a child…
I loved you, I trusted you;
I felt safe in your arms,
I gave you those bright eyes and beautiful smile to show that I appreciated and valued our relationship.
Whenever you came around, I gave you open arms and laughed at every tickle.
How would I have known you would do wrong to my body?
Why did you throw my love to the dogs?
Why did you smash my trust on the walls?
For my trust and love…
You robbed me of my pride;                                                  
My confidence;
My Joy;
My dreams and Hopes;
I even stopped loving myself…

Sexual Abuse is a betrayal of a relationship that was once trustworthy. And real healing can only take place in the context of a relationship that is again safe, understanding and trustworthy” (Dan Gottlieb).
Have you been abused, or you know one who has been abused, there’s one relationship I can guarantee; it’s very safe, and healing lies therein; that relationship is with Jesus. Just take that first step of having a love life with Jesus; He will lead you through the process of healing and, eventually liberation. For others out there, don’t abuse the trust and love others have shown you… SHOW THEM LOVE TOO; build a relationship that is safe.

Thursday 13 June 2013

What A Crime!!!

What have I done?
Have I done wrong?
Should I be held responsible?
A perpetrator, I’m not
It wasn’t my fault

A crime that fully exists,
Affecting lives full of worth,
Yet the laws of the land don’t see,
Yet the laws of the land can’t punish,
Yet this crime keeps punishing lives.

Lives full of potentials have been wiped out;
Lives full of freams have been diminished;
Lives full of visions have gone blind;
Lives full of worth have been evaporated.

A crime where the victim, not the perpetrator,
Goes on trial for the rest of its life.
A trial that courts can’t comprehend.
A trial not commensed in the four walls of a building,
But in the circular walls of the mind.

A trial that causes anarchy of the mind,
A destruction of the soul,
It’s a wheel that carries the emotion of the soul
On a fast lane without a hold
It has caused a civil war of the mind.

The once worthful life has been made worthless;
A life that seems like cabbage on the inside;
A life that is worse than a filthy garment;
A life that has long stopped believing in love;
All it sees are fears, hurts, pains, and chaos.
Can there be a liberating experience for this life?
Can there be healing for this soul?

What a Crime!!!